Live Longer Now, The First One Hundred Years of Your Life. Now Available As A Free eBook Instantly

Arguably The Best Book Ever Written to understand and combat the onslaught of degenerative diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular disease (stroke) and arterial hypertension, as a free e-book, courtesy of ProvenResultsHealth (Diab-X).

Chicago, Illinois; August 28, 2006. Millions of overweight people have wandered from one fad diet to another, searching in vain for that perfect diet that will take the pounds off and stop the onslaught of Degenerative Disease.

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Why do all these diets fail?

Dr. Jon Leonard and the 14 members of the Longevity Foundation feel the reason is that almost all the foods in a modern western diet promote obesity. Losing weight permanently while on a diet based on typical “SuperMarket Foods” is virtually impossible. The secrets are revealed in his book, Live Longer Now and are based upon what he calls “Longevity Foods,” the same foods found in native cultures in which obesity, diabetes and degenerative diseases are almost unheard of. In these “longevity foods” is found the secret not only to permanent weight loss but also to reducing the risk of these tragic degenerative diseases and many other debilitating diseases.

Who Likes SuperMarket Foods?

Everyone! and some furry friends can tell us how much. In the labs of the Psychology Department of Brooklyn College, Sclafani and Springer showed that rats enjoy eating SuperMarket foods just as much as humans do. In a landmark experiment, normal adult rats were given free access to a variety of highly palatable supermarket foods like salami, cookies, cheese, and peanut butter, as well as normal lab rat food. The rats chose to eat predominantly our SuperMarket Foods, and they ate voraciously. Within two months they were more than 50 percent overweight.

Success is about simple life-style changes you can make.

Dr. Leonard has combined a weight-reducing diet based upon these longevity foods with a program of sensible exercise to give you a speedy, reliable, healthy way to take off weight–permanently. You will be able to eat your fill of these foods and still loose a couple of pounds a week or better depending on where your are starting with your personal body mass index.

Dr Leonard takes you step by step through the program, first teaching you about:

The horrible failure of the “well-balanced” American diet
Advantages of the “longevity diet”
Learn all about food composition and caloric intensity
Find longevity foods by reading food labels
How to order longevity foods in a restaurant.
He will show you how to correct your bad eating habits
How to keep records of your progress
Learn to spot trouble and make corrections quickly.
See the easy method of using the Baseline Food Plan
Use FLAB foods to control your weight loss
A simple measuring idea for quick adjustments in your diet
The easy but highly beneficial exercise program—The “Rove”
Tailor the “Rove” to your own needs and abilities
Learn how to switch to the maintenance program so you can keep your slim figure for life, with out constantly going on and off reducing diets!
I want to help people, particularly those that are overweight, obese and suffer related illnesses, such as diabetes, to improve. –Jon Leonard.