Live Longer Now, The First One Hundred Years of Your Life. Now Available As A Free eBook Instantly

Arguably The Best Book Ever Written to understand and combat the onslaught of degenerative diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular disease (stroke) and arterial hypertension, as a free e-book, courtesy of ProvenResultsHealth (Diab-X). Chicago, Illinois; August 28, 2006. Millions of overweight people have wandered from one fad diet to another, searching in vain for […]

Discover a Winning Weight Loss Strategy

My roommate has always had some problems with extra weight due to the lack of physical activity and overeating. Besides, he prefers fast food to healthy nutrition and coke to healthy beverages. So, I decided to lend a helping hand as I was studying for a Psychology degree. My goal was to develop an individual […]

3 Steps You May not Miss for a Successful Diet

I know it, you know it, it is not healthy to carrying around too much body fat and it does not look good either. Being overweight and even obese can completely destroy your self confidence. But luckily there is something you can do about it. Take a look at these 3 steps for a successful […]